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      2. Business Philosophy
        • Business Philosophy

          The company always maintains the business philosophy of discovering, realizing, sharing and creating value

        • Discover Value

          Actively develop, dare to dare to do, always take the customer and market demand as the direction of the company's development and innovation, and find lower cost, more stable design, more reliable quality, more simple process

        • Realizing Value

          Work hard to achieve the goals set at all stages of the company, not to retreat, not compromise, not to lose

        • Sharing Value

          Create a good atmosphere for learning and training, establish a dividend mechanism, and ensure that the company's growth and employee growth are synchronized in all aspects.

        • Create Value

          Continuously strengthen and shape Huafu's good corporate image and brand image, and continue to increase the company's brand value.

        Copyright ?2018 Dongguan Huafu Industrial Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved


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